Here is the before

What a mess! Ok, so it was mostly organized in the sense that I had most of the spices on the bottom on 2 lazy susans. Which are wonderful in themselves! But everything else. Yikes :) So after about 20 minutes of reading labels and cleaning up I show you the after!

What a great feeling! I have to ground the bread that I have dried into bread crumbs and find a cute container for them. But working on that.
And the bug bit! It was such a great feeling. so I tackled 2 projects in one night. The second was our main bathroom linen closet. It has been one of those where I just throw our towels and other "junk" for the bathroom. Before....

This just took be about 5 minutes of going thru because it was mostly stuff I needed to rearrange. Now I will be honest, I don't like the towels how there are in this after pictures. The towels we own are very big and fluffy which I love, but they don't quite fit in this closet because it is small. But it is ok for now.

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