Man, the time has gotten away from me. I apologize with my whole heart! I have no good excuses for you. My birthday is over, of which I got a Wii from my mom and dad. I love them so much! And my mom in law gave me socks! I love her so much! Christmas is over and it was a wonderful time with my family on both sides. New Years was spent with hubby's family on his dad's side. It is wonderful to see how that side of the family really took in my mom in law when hubby's dad died when he was just a year and half. Such a huge blessing to have such a caring family! I can't imagine why people don't like their in-laws.
This past December I made a few resolutions for the New Year. One was to get our budget down to only spending what is absolutely necessary. Food and shelter. So far so good. It helps when you get your hubby a Miata calendar for Christmas for us to write what we spend down on :) In order to help with that spending goal I have made the menu plan for the entire month of January excluding weekends. Now my goal is to spend less than $200 for the month on groceries. Now, I don't know if that will be feasible right now due to the fact that we are just starting. But I have made it on $300 a month, so I'm sure I can do $200. Plus this will help out on our eating out budget to be much lower. ***DISCLAIMER*** we are not in debt up to our eyeballs. I just want to live within in a single salary if possible.
SO with out further menu plan for this week! (I won't overload you with the entire month)
Monday - Pizza Pasta Casserole * this was from the freezer and wasn't made due to me being sick*
Tuesday - Veggie Soup and bread *this wasn't made because day 2 of being sick, but I did warm up the Pizza Pasta Casserole for the hubby to eat when he got home for lunch/dinner from work
Wednesday - tacos * I made a taco seasoning mix from someone I found online and not a fan too much of it, so I'm glad I didn't make it all with the taco seasoning. will have to find something else.
THursday - Chicken stir fry and rice
Friday - home made pizza *Taking this over to hubby's mom's house for dinner before she leaves for Phoenix. She's visiting her friend out there and going to a work conference.
Saturday - leftovers *I'm probably going to make the veggie soup today because it will be a nice crockpot meal.