Sunday, January 18, 2015

Birth Story #2

About a month after my oldest turned 1 we found out that I was pregnant with #2. We were excited and nervous about being parents of two. This is the story of how my little cheesecake was born.

I had another uneventful pregnancy and everything was smooth. I was due November 4th. On October 30 I thought I was starting to have contractions at 1230pm. I had one while at the doctor that morning. So we waited until 1 to see if I was getting more or not knowing that my first came pretty quickly. I had a few but they weren't bad or intense. However, because of Kiddo coming within 6 hours of me feeling them we decided to go get checked out. We dropped Kiddo off with grandma and went to the hospital. When we got there I was having some contractions but again not intense or frequent. Told the nurse I wanted to get checked since #1 came fast. I was checked and was only 4cm and 60% effaced. So they sent us on a walk around the hospital to see if that changes anything. An hour later, nothing changed so we went home. I had the opportunity to stay but my midwife thought I would rest better at home. And I agreed with her. So back home we went. Got back around 7p. Grandma said she would keep Kiddo in case for us overnight. So nice.

And so we rested and relaxed. I got to bed around 10p and slept until 155am when I was woken up by a contraction. So I decided to start timing them and see how intense they were. They were about 5 minutes apart and lasting anywhere from 45 seconds to 1 minute. Woke the hubby up and we left around 240am. Made it to the hospital at 315. This time I wasn't leaving. I moved to a room and got checked again. I was a 6 with 80% effacement. We told the nurse that this baby will more than likely be here quick since #1 came soon. Around 4 the contractions were coming harder and harder. I got upset and complained a lot more. But, it was nice because my birth plan was already on file at the hospital and so they left us alone while I labored. The one nurse we had just stayed by the bed and helped Hubby coach me thru it. Finally I couldn't handle anymore pain and asked for something. It was too late. So I got my oxygen that I pleaded for about 5am and like before with #1 I went euphoric and felt so much better. My contractions slowed a bit and I was able to take a small break between each one. With Kiddo I didn't have that so it was something new. At about 540 I felt like I needed to push and they called my midwife to come in. Well I again said I needed to push at 550 and no midwife was here yet so they called the on call OB to come up and hang out and I had to not push. Well that is a silly thing to say to a woman. So the on call OB sat outside my room and around 556 my midwife came to the room. And I started pushing. Lots of intense pressure and I remember saying I was really ready for it to be done.

Finally at 607am my little boy was born. I couldn't have been more in love. We got to hold him skin to skin for 2 hours after he was born. It was almost like I had him and my midwife cleaned me up and stitched me up and they were gone. I had torn in two places but it was only a first degree at both and so only required a couple of stitches. We took about 5 minutes again to name him as we couldn't decide. But we finally settled and started loving him even more. So from start of real intense contractions to the time he was born was just over 4 hours. The nurse who was there with us said she was impressed. She also said she had no doubt I would go fast since we kept saying I would.

So there's my story of #2 my little cheesecake being born. Life has been interesting since being a mom of 2. But hey, he will be 3 months at the end of this month and #1 will be 2. Cheesecake has already slept 12 hours a night and is just lovely to have. He is chilled and laid back.